Enabling Startup Agility And Predictable Growth using Financial Sprints
Startups by their very nature are designed for growth, but a series of recent high profile startup failures has demonstrated the perils of a “growth at all costs” mentality and approach. As the world shifts towards cash preservation and more cautious decision-making, businesses have needed to adapt very quickly and be nimble in order to survive.
In a conservative yet competitive environment, the companies that thrive are those that are quick to pursue strategic, unmet market needs, while maintaining strong control and visibility over the core business.
The best B2B software startups for example have been able to take advantage of unexpected market changes to thrive and grow even faster than before the pandemic. Are these startups simply lucky, or is there more behind their growth than exceptional product and go-to market leadership?
In a 8-minute article published by Forbes, we discuss:
- The Role of Finance Leaders
- Agility and Alignment in a Modern Business
- Injecting Agility into Financial Strategy and Planning
In the last section, we introduce the Financial Sprint and outcomes for startups when used in practice.
This innovative concept was first developed with the help of sprint experts Niek van der Voort, Nick van der Wildt, and Luuk van der Meer and have since been refined with Pegafund customers this year.
Rav Dhaliwal and I co-wrote this article over the past few months. We would love to hear your thoughts and explore how we could support a great B2B software startup you know.